
Company NameKenshin Industrial Co., Ltd.
Address3212-5 Horita, Himi City, Toyama, Japan
FoundedIn the 7th year of the Taisho era (1918)
Capital14 million yen
Major ClientsLIXIL Corporation,
Shin Nikkei Hokuriku Co., Ltd.,
Takayama Reed Co., Ltd.
Financial InstitutionsHimi-Fushiki Credit Union Headquarters, Hokuriku Bank Himi Branch
Composition of Employees10 male, 12 female, total of 22 employees
(as of November 1, 2022)


From Takaoka on National Route 160 towards Himi, turn left at the Tokai-Orizaka intersection. About 5km ahead on the right side.

Alternatively, from the Noto Satoyama Expressway, take Prefectural Route 76 and Prefectural Route 296 for 4km from Himi Minami Interchange.